Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What A World We Live In

I'm on one today about this poor 15 year old Irish Emigrant who was driven to suicide by her monstrous classmates.

A brief recap of the story in case someone hasn't heard...

A mother and her children move to America (Massachusetts) from Ireland 6 months ago, in hope of allowing her children, most particularly Phoebe, to be able to experience America and what it has to offer. Sadly, experience it she did. Pretty much from the get go, Phoebe became the target of harassment and abuse from a group of popular girls who self-proclaimed themselves to be "mean girls". These girls did not like that certain boys at the school liked Phoebe, and they felt she needed to be shown her place. The "mean girls" began to torment Phoebe at school by knocking her books from her hands, calling her names, and bullying her till she would run from the room crying. These sorry excuses from humans would torture her to and from school as well, and then began to seek her out on the internet and persecute her there as well. From what I understand, a couple of older boys raped her as well. For 6 months this poor thing endured the torture laid upon her relentlessly, including comments that she should kill herself, until one day a boy one of the "mean girls" liked, ask Phoebe to a dance, and that did not fly. After a rough day at school, Phoebe was walking home and one of the girls drove past and launched a can of Red Bull at her and yelled something terrible at her. Phoebe, mentally bruised and broken, promptly finished her journey home, walked inside, and proceeded to hang herself in a stairwell, where her sister later found her.


This angers me on SO many levels! First, before I launch into my biggest beef, the administration at the school, KNEW about the bullying, and did NOTHING!! Apparently this is not the first time either. This school is notorious for having bully problems, and the administration NEVER does ANYTHING! One article I read mentioned how one student, after being interview on camera at the school, was promptly approached and punched in the face once the camera was off for having done the interview. This same article also mentioned one student's claim that he was punched in the stomach for befriending a student who was currently being bullied, because they didn't want him to even have friends. HELLO!!! Excuse me moron adults, what is the FREAKING point of you even being in the school in you don't do a DANG thing to protect those kids!? Those people need to be prosecuted!

THEN, there are the malevolent student themselves! WHAT THE HECK!! Who are the fools raising these spawn of Satan? These children have obviously missed the lessons about kindness, tolerance, and love for others, and the have begun to take joy in throwing their weight around and seeing what they can make other people do. These kids should also be prosecuted and charged with second degree murder and any other charges that would fall under the abuse they caused.

Of course, like any enabling parent with no control over their child would, the parents are each claiming their child's innocents, because they are too sweet to do that. YEAH RIGHT! If any child of mine did that crap, I'd hand them over to the law and ask them to please let them feel the full weight of what they have done!

I've seen the correlation drawn between this story and another from a few years ago, and it's sickening. If you will remember, there were 2 girls who had a falling out, once having been BEST FRIENDS, and the mother of one decided to torture the other girl. She was a cyber stalker and bully, and repeatedly told the girl to kill herself, and one day she did. The horrible woman was prosecuted, but escaped all punishment. I think it's sad that she got away with mentally and psychologically abusing this girl, regardless of the medium, she should have gotten second degree murder and abuse of a minor charges brought on her as well.

Not only am I truly embarrassed that someone would come to our country and be treated with such incivility and primate like mentality, but I'm truly distressed about the world we live in today.

Let's face it, we live in a world where bullying is the norm. Someone wants something, so they will try to get it, but if the other person won't cooperate as they would like, they take by force. Everyone thinks they are entitled to any and everything they want without giving anything in return, and they've learned that the weak will crumble when enough pressure is applied. Whether it's a free meal at a restaurant, a giant discount at a local retailer, or the return to the top of the "hotty" list in the public High School, once these animalistic terrorists decide they want it, they don't care who they hurt in the process, they WILL have it.

Working retail I see it all the time, someone comes in throwing out wild accusations and making a scene and trying to pit people against each other, whether in the same store or at another, in hopes of getting something for free, even though they don't really deserve it. People will sue anyone at the drop of a hat anymore, and I've seen tactless ogres in restaurants make a scene and blow crap WAY out of proportion, just so they can have their meal for free, and these immoral youngsters were no different. They knew what they were doing and they were hoping for they outcome they got. They saw her as an obstruction to what they wanted, and knew the next best thing to killing her, was to have her kill herself, clean hands, right? These apes felt no remorse, after her death. A friend of Phoebe's made a memorial page to her on Facebook, and the freaks still hadn't had enough, they had to slander her with appalling comment there as well.

Why is there no control in the school, or the homes? It should be done at home, but the children with uninterested parents should be caught up in the next filter, the schools. The kids needs to be protected from themselves and others. I have had an interested in shows that investigate real life crimes and real life criminals, and delve into the nitty-gritty of why and how, for sometime now, and I would have to say that 90% or more of the people that commit heinous crimes (I don't mean petty crimes, I mean big ones) come from homes where they were either treated poorly or entirely ignored, even when they were being bad in hopes of getting attention.

So what does that say about people today if there are more and more criminals and such? HELLO! The problem is in the home! Get it together people! Take care of your kids! Maybe it's time for parents to start taking some responsibility in their own life as well as in the lives of their children. There is no pride in being a good person anymore, just in being good at being bad, and the parents are either the same, or too busy shooting up, getting drunk, making the next big buck, or finding a new lover, to care if their kids are living life right. Those are some AWESOME priorities people!

And that is my rant for tonight. Goodnight.


  1. AMEN! I saw this article on your facebook and I feel the same as you. Such a shame.

  2. That is HORRIBLE! What a sad story! That poor girl and her family. It angers me to the bone, like it does you. Teens can be so mean! But these girls need to be punished. Same with the school for not doing anything.

  3. I love the e-biotch-slap to all these crazy psychotic idiots - you rock. I know one day they will get their recompense, and I truly, truly feel bad for them. Well written, Audrey!
